Guarantee Fund - Farmer Portal

Guarantee Fund

The Albanian Agribusiness and Tourism Support Program (AATSF) is a project of the Albanian government and the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development. Through this program, four commercial banks participating in the program offer financing with greatly reduced collateral rates.

AATSF is a €180 million financing facility, which comes in the form of Portfolio Risk Sharing and Credit Lines. The program is composed of three main elements:

• 20% Risk Coverage of First Losses in the amount of 36 million Euros financed by the Government of the Republic of Albania

• 10% investment grant for borrowers in both sectors (equity investments only, minimum maturity 18 months) once the investment is completed and verified

Technical Assistance in the form of capacity building for Partner Financial Institutions and for final borrowers (businesses)

The participating banks in this program are ProCredit Bank Albania, OTP Bank Albania, Intesa San Paolo Bank Albania and Raiffeisen Bank Albania.

KorceAmarildo Dinellari0694085438
KorceIrma Dauti0697092026
LushnjeErion Qalliu0682054246
LushnjeAnxhelo Koti0697044248
FierEnkelejda Rapi0682088168
FierErvis Dika0694085437
Sarande/GjirokasterBlerta Toti0686031407
Sarande/GjirokasterNikolica Qofiri0698010229
PogradecGanimete Ferizolli0694085436
VloreArsen Kapaj0697091974
VloreOltion Gjondedaj0682092343
ElbasanIrma Dauti0697092026
ElbasanErvin Baxhaku0686040392
ShkoderGaldim Muka0682088158
ShkoderElda Vekshari 0697067100
LezheIsida Marku0694078920
DurresEugerta Kasa0684093479
DurresAnita Zharri0686040390
BeratAurela Teta0682088149
BeratDitar Qevani0686024288
TiraneSajmir Rerxhmataj0686031512
TiraneJuljan Serjani0697055464
TiraneJona Telo0686035585
TiraneElona Dervishi0697055036
BeratEneo Xhardo689084414
TiraneEnea Feci692098008
LushnjeEmirjola Lala682065329
TiraneErald Malaj 672013973
Tirane/ Durres/ Kavaje Eris Hysenllari696429025
FierAlbert Gjini682433330
Gjirokaster Dorina Late689084270
SarandeDorina Late689084270
KorcePetrika Germenji672020347
Lezhe/ Shkoder/ Elbasan/ Korce/ Vlore/ Gjirokaster/  SarandeKrenar Llupo688032094
Einas Halilaj699508733
Ermir Bajrami677060160
Erind Shehi684037506

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